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Child and Youth Participatory Methods: Examples from Uganda, Colombia and Indonesia


Clare Ahabwe Bangirana, Clara Siagian, Liliana Arias-Ururena

East Asia & Pacific
Eastern & Southern Africa
Latin America & Caribbean
Agency & Participation

This CPC Learning Network hosted a conversation with partners and faculty affiliates on "Rethinking Child & Youth Participatory Methodologies & Processes: Presentations from our Partner Research Centers in Uganda, Indonesia, and Colombia".

For over thirty years, the child well-being and rights community has been engaging in child and youth participatory research methodologies building a robust body of research, learning, literature, guidelines, and practice. Over the last few years, we have seen an increased focus on participatory research methodologies – including survivor, refugee child, and youth-led research – by donors, policymakers, researchers, and international agencies. With this renewed focus, this session focused on the child and youth participatory research and evaluation processes, design, and methodology. The session also unpacked conceptions of childhood, vulnerability, power and politics in academic research and evaluation.

Our three presenters -- Clare Ahabwe Bangirana from AfriChild Centre at Makerere University, Clara Siagian from PUSKAPA at Universitas Indonesia, and Liliana Arias-Ururena from Imagina at Universidad de Los Andes -- shared case examples and challenges with involving children more fully in agenda setting, planning, research, and program implementation.

Watch the recorded conversation below, and take a look at the included resources to learn more.

Agency & Participation
Pushing the Limits of Child Participation in Research: Reflections from a Youth-Driven Participatory Action Research (YPAR) Initiative in Uganda

Reflections on, and lessons learnt from, the AfriChild led Youth Participatory Action Project (Y-PAR) in Uganda

Child-led Resistance in the Streets of the Global South: Decolonial Perspectives of Violence Against Children Outside of Family Care

This study aims to characterize the forms of violence experienced by children living outside the family setting in Uganda, from the perspective of children themselves. The paper seeks to position the voicing of this perspective as a form of resistance against VAC from a decolonial perspective.

Window on the World of Violence Against Children Outside of Family Care in Uganda

This report characterizes violence against children in Uganda through a Youth Participatory Action Research (Y-PAR), including auto-photography and social cartography to allow children to contribute to knowledge about their lives.

Understanding Youth Engagement in Climate and Environmental Issues in Indonesia

Report and discussion of youth participatory action research on climate and environmental issues in Indonesia

Participatory Research With Children and Young People: Between Commitment and Resources

This presentation, by Clara Siagian with PUSKAPA, discusses participatory methods from PUSKAPA's experience with a focus on youth climate and environmental engagement

Handbook for Children's Participation in Research in Indonesia

Comprehensive overview of participatory methods research and practice in Indonesia, with tips for implementers

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