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Community-Based child Protection systems and their Linkage with the National Child Protection Systems in Uganda


Systems Strengthening
Community & Family-Level Interventions
Mental Health & Psychosocial Support
Livelihoods & Economic Strengthening

The Uganda PLG’s inaugural learning forum in March 2012 focused on Community Based Child Protection Mechanisms (CBCPMs) and their linkages with the National Child Protection Systems. The two-day conference brought together over 70 participants from government, academic institutions, community based organizations, and international agencies along with national child protection actors and researchers. Participants discussed the process of identifying and utilizing community based child protection systems, lessons to be learned from informal child protection systems, sector-wide approaches to systems, lessons to be learned from informal child protection systems,  sector wide approaches to systems strengthening, institutionalizing child protection and setting the Ugandan learning agenda for 2012-2015.

March 6th, 2012

Opening Session
– Child Protection Learning: A Global Perspective, Neil Boothby, Columbia University
– Child Protection Systems Mapping in East and Southern Africa Region, Ghazal Keshavarzian, Maestral International

Session 1: Community Based Child Protection Systems: What are they? How do they work? What do we need to learn and do?
Chair: Mr. Mondo Kyateka
– Report on Community-base Child Protection Systems Mapping: A Case of Lira and Dokolo in Northern – Uganda, Timothy Opobo, CPC Network Uganda PLG
– Community Based Child Protection Mechanisms: A review of indigenous community oriented mechanisms used by TPO Uganda in Northern Uganda and Somalia, Patrick Onyango- Mangen, TPO
– A Ugandan Childhood Through the Eyes of Children and Parents, Vincent Adude, Child Fund
– Developing Locally Meaningful Indicators for Child-Centered Psychosocial Programming in Uganda, Emmanuel Ngabirano, TPO
– Livelihoods, Economic Strengthening, and Children Protection in Western Uganda, Inbal Alon, Bantwana Initiative & Kabarole Research Institute

Session 2: Informal Systems: What do we need to learn?
Chair: Patrick Onyango Mangen
– From Projects to Systems – a Macro-level Overview of the Child Protection System in Uganda, Deogratias Yiga, ANPPCAN- Uganda
– Community mapping and Capacity-Building Initiative – Identifying and Strengthening Community Systems, Simba, Machingaidze, Child Fund

Session 3: A Sector Wide Approach to Child Protection Systems Strengthening
Chair: Stella Ayo
Child Sexual Abuse Prevalence in Uganda, Kaboggoza- Ssembatya, Assistant Commissioner, Children’s Affairs, Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development
– Child Protection Systems and Child Labour: An Integrated Monitoring and Area Based Approach, Akky de Kort, ILO
– Justice for Children: “Protecting children against all forms abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence”, A Project of the Justice, Law and Order Sector & UNICEF Uganda, Lydia Namuli, Center for Justice Studies and Innovations (CJSI)
– A Systems Approach to Child Protection: Lessons from World Vision, Francis Eswap, World Vision

March 7th, 2012

Session IV: National Child Protection Systems Strengthening in Uganda – How can we Make the System Function Effectively?
Chair: Deogratias Yiga
– An Overview of National Child Protection System for Uganda: The Planned Countrywide Child Protection Systems Mapping, James Kabogozza, MOGLSD
– Social Welfare Workforce Strengthening: A Key Component of Systems Building, Wilbroad Ngambi, UNICEF
– Social Welfare Systems Strengthening within the Local Government – Experiences from SUNRISE OVC Project, Grace Mayanja

Session V: Institutionalizing Child Protection Capacity Building in Uganda
Chair: Peter Nkhonjera
– Engaging Universities and Institutions of Higher Learning to Integrate Child Protection Course Units in Their Programs: Learning from the Makerere Experience, Dr. Eddy Walakira
– Building an Evidence Base in Child Protection: Linking Research, Practice and Knowledge Development – The Proposed Center of Excellence, Dr. Eddy Walakira
– Are the Children and Young People Effectively Protected from Violence in Uganda?, James Kaboggoza Ssembatya (MOGSLD)
– Integrating Child Wellbeing Indicators into the Uganda Bureau of Statistics National Household Survey Instruments – The Proposed National Survey on Child Sexual Abuse, James Kaboggoza Ssembatya (MOGLSD) and Hellen Nviiri (UBOS)

Session VI: Setting the Uganda Learning Agenda for 2012- 2015
Chair: Mr. Mondo Kyateka
– Presentation of National Child Protection Training Manual and Plans to roll it out nationally, Francis Alumai
– Uganda Program Learning Group – 3 Year Strategic Plan & Priorities, Patrick Onyango Mangeni, TPO

Final Session: Launch of the Uganda National Child Protection Training Curriculum by Minister of State for Youth and Children

Systems Strengthening
Community & Family-Level Interventions
Mental Health & Psychosocial Support
Livelihoods & Economic Strengthening
Community-Based Child Protection Systems and their Linkage with the National Child...Agenda

Community-Based Child Protection Systems and their Linkage with the National Child...Final Report

Presentation Slides
Child Protection Learning: A Global Perspective

Report on Community-base Child Protection Systems Mapping: A Case of Lira and Dokolo in Northern – Uganda

Community Based Child Protection Mechanisms: A review of indigenous community oriented

A Ugandan Childhood: Through the Eyes of Children and Parents

Presentation Slides
Developing Locally Meaningful Indicators for Child-Centered Psychosocial Programming in Uganda

Presentation Slides
From Projects to Systems – a Macro-level Overview of the Child Protection System in Uganda

Presentation Slides
Community mapping and Capacity-Building Initiative – Identifying and Strengthening Community Systems

Presentation Slides
Child Sexual Abuse Prevalence in Uganda,

Presentation Slides
Child Protection Systems and Child Labour: An Integrated Monitoring and Area Based Approach

Presentation Slides
Justice for Children: “Protecting children against all forms abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence”

Presentation Slides
An Overview of National Child Protection System for Uganda

Presentation Slides
Social Welfare Systems Strengthening within the Local Government – Experiences from SUNRISE OVC Project

Presentation Slides
Engaging Universities and Institutions of Higher Learning to Integrate Child Protection Course Units

Presentation Slides
What Are the Protection, Educational, and Psychosocial Outcomes of CFS for Young Children?

Presentation Slides
Presentation of National Child Protection Training Manual and Plans to roll it out nationally

Uganda Program Learning Group – 3 Year Strategic Plan & Priorities

Uganda National Child Protection Training Curriculum

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