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Adapting a Systems Approach to Child Protection in Uganda-What is the Way Forward?


Systems Strengthening
Community & Family-Level Interventions

The Uganda PLG hosted a two-day conference on October 2-3, 2013, with a focus on presentations and discussions around using a systems approach for child protection in Uganda. The theme is anchored on the key question: What are the gaps in the Uganda Child Protection Systems and how can these be effectively addressed in the best interest of children? This conference brought together over 60 participants from government, academic institutions, community based organizations, and international agencies along with national child protection actors and researchers with 4 main objectives:

1. To adapt a common understanding of what constitutes a systems approach to child protection;
2. To share the status and trends of existing child protection systems in Uganda;
3. To jointly reflect on what is required to achieve a systems approach to child protection. This will include an analysis of resources, existing systems and capacity; and
4. To map out the way forward in supporting the strengthening of child- friendly protection systems in Uganda.

The conference agenda, abstracts guide, and concept note from this conference are available below.

Systems Strengthening
Community & Family-Level Interventions
Adapting a Systems Approach to Child Protection in Uganda- What is the Way Forward? Agenda

Adapting a Systems Approach to Child Protection in Uganda- What is the Way Forward? Abstract

Concept note
Adapting a Systems Approach to Child Protection in Uganda- What is the Way Forward? Concept Note

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