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Reconstructing Children's Rights Institute

Accountability & Shifting Power
Leadership in the Global South
Child Rights
CPC Learning Network

Welcome to the Reconstructing Children’s Rights Institute – an online institute about dismantling racism, neo-colonialism, and patriarchy in humanitarian and development efforts to protect children and support families.

In 2021, the CPC Learning Network hosted the Reconstructing Children’s Rights Institute – a multi-part series of conversations and resources for learning, information sharing and actionable next steps.    In this series of critical conversations, we invited experts to share their insights about racism, colonialism, patriarchy, and power as they affect children and families around the world.

The Institute has two overarching goals:

  • Demonstrate and engage:  Raise awareness and recognition of how racism, patriarchy and power are not just theoretical concepts but very real drivers of inequality, ineffectiveness, and harm in the international child rights and protection sector.
  • Sow the seeds and demonstrate action for effective change: Critique the problems inherent in international child protection and child rights but also highlight practical ways to dismantle and reconstruct the existing system.

A series of pre-recorded online critical conversations were broadcast between May-December 2021. Click through below to view the conversations and the accompanying briefing papers, which include more information about the session topic and speakers as well as a targeted list of resources.

Dismantling and Reconstructing International Children's Rights: Final Analysis Report
Ghazal Keshavarzian
Year of Publication
Related resources:

A report summarizing the six conversations focusing on problems and solutions.

Reconstructing Children's Rights Institute: Master Reference List
CPC Learning Network
Year of Publication
Related resources:

A list of resources by academics, researchers, practitioners and activists critically examining colonialism, racism and patriarchy in international relations, development and the humanitarian aid industry.

It Starts with You (or Me)
Year of Publication
Related resources:

A blog written about the Reconstructing Rights Institute for the Rights Studio.

The videos of the Institute have been produced by Luis Saenz.
The artwork for the Institute has been created by Galuh Indri Wiyarti.

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