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Mapping Community-Based Child Protection Mechanisms in Liberia: Montserrado and Nimba Districts

West & Central Africa
Systems Strengthening
Community & Family-Level Interventions
Sexual & Reproductive Health
Child Labor
Sexual Exploitation & Abuse
CPC Learning Network

The goal of this research was to take a bottom-up approach in examining existing Community-Based Child Protection Mechanisms (CBCPMs) in Nimba and Montserrado counties in Liberia. By understanding how communities define, prevent, and respond to child protection violations and how local systems connect (or do not connect) to formal protection systems, these mechanisms may then be supported, improved, and expanded upon. This research utilized community mapping to explore local perceptions and experiences of child protection. Data were collected in five sites each in Montserrado and Nimba counties.

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Mapping Community-Based Child Protection Mechanisms in Liberia: Montserrado and Nimba Districts
CPC Learning Network
Year of Publication

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