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Family Economic Empowerment and Mental Health Among AIDS-Affected Children Living in AIDS-Impacted Communities: Evidence From a Randomised Evaluation in Southwestern Uganda

Eastern & Southern Africa
Livelihoods & Economic Strengthening
Mental Health & Psychosocial Support
Sexual & Reproductive Health
Agency & Participation
Chang-Keun Han, Fred M Ssewamala, Julia Shu-Huah Wang


Objective: The authors examine whether an innovative family economic empowerment intervention addresses mental health functioning of AIDS-affected children in communities heavily impacted by HIV/AIDS in Uganda. Methods: A cluster randomised controlled trial consisting of two study arms, a treatment condition (n=179) and a control condition (n=118), was used to examine the impact of the family economic empowerment intervention on children's levels of hopelessness and depression. Results: Using multivariate analysis with several socioeconomic controls, the authors find that children in the treatment condition (receiving the intervention) report significant improvement in their mental health functioning. Conclusions: The findings indicate that children with poor mental health functioning living in communities affected by HIV/AIDS may benefit from innovative family economic empowerment interventions.

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