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Asset Ownership and Health and Mental Health Functioning Among AIDS-Orphaned Adolescents: Findings From a Randomized Clinical Trial in Rural Uganda

Eastern & Southern Africa
Mental Health & Psychosocial Support
Livelihoods & Economic Strengthening
Fred M. Ssewamala, Chang-Keun Han, Torsten B. Neilands

This article, published in Social Science and Medicine, presents findings from an economic empowerment intervention designed to promote life options, health and mental health functioning among AIDS-orphaned adolescents in rural Uganda. The study measured mental health functioning using a standardized measure for self-esteem and measured overall health using a self-rated health measure. Data obtained at the 10-month follow-up revealed significant positive effects of the economic empowerment intervention on adolescents' self-rated health and mental health functioning. Additionally, health and mental health functioning were found to be positively associated with one another.

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