Susan Walker, PhD is Professor of Nutrition and Director of the Caribbean Institute for Health Research at The University of the West Indies, Jamaica. She heads the Child Development Research Group whose work on low cost approaches to promote children’s cognitive and social-emotional development has been critical in driving global attention to the importance of responsive interactions and early learning opportunities for children under 3 years. Recent work includes evaluation of parenting programs feasible at scale in three Caribbean countries; development and evaluation of a training package “Reach Up: An Early Childhood Parenting Programme” based on the Jamaica home visit program, and the 30 year follow-up of the Jamaica supplementation and stimulation trial. She was lead author in papers in the highly influential Lancet series on child development (2007, 2011), author in the 2016 series, and a coordinator of the 2013 series on Maternal and Child Nutrition. She was a member of the National Academy of Medicine’s Forum on Investing in Young Children Globally, and is a founding member of the Global Child Development Group (GCDG) which promotes research on child development and translation of research to policy.