Mary Mendenhall

United States


Mary Mendenhall, Ed.D. is an Associate Professor of Practice and the Director of the International and Comparative Education Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her current research interests include policies and practices of refugee education across camp, urban and resettlement contexts; teacher support and professional development in crisis settings; and the relevance and sustainability of education support provided by international organizations to displaced children and youth in conflict-affected states in Sub-Saharan Africa. Over the past three years, Dr. Mendenhall led the design, planning and implementation of Teachers for Teachers, a continuous professional development initiative for refugee and national teachers working in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya. Over the next three years, she will lead a research team working on a new project in Uganda and South Sudan through and EU-funded initiative called Building Resilience in Conflict through Education. Dr. Mendenhall serves as a member of the Standards and Practice Working Group for the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) and helps lead the work of the Teachers in Crisis Contexts Collaborative, an inter-agency effort to provide continuous, quality professional development to teachers working in displacement contexts. She also serves as an advisor to the Right to Education Initiative and the Center for Learning in Practice (CLiP) at the Carey Institute for Global Good.