Lindsay Stark

United States


Lindsay Stark is a social epidemiologist and internationally recognized expert on the protection and well-being of women and children in situations of extreme adversity, with more than two decades of experience leading applied research with operational agencies such as UNICEF, UNHCR, International Rescue Committee and the Women’s Refugee Commission. Stark measures sensitive social phenomena and evaluates related interventions to reduce violence, abuse and exploitation of women and children.

Stark co-directs the Center on Violence and Injury Prevention; holds affiliate appointments with the Institute for Public Health; serves on the editorial boards of PLOS One, BMC Public Health, and Conflict and Health; and has published more than 100 chapters and peer-review articles. Before joining the Brown School, Stark was an associate professor at Columbia University, where she served as director of research for the Program on Forced Migration and Health and director of the CPC Learning Network.