Katungi Juma



Katungi Juma is an Educationist with specialized training in Art Education and Early Childhood Education. His research and career focus are currently on creativity in the field of Early Childhood Care and Education where he is pursuing a Doctoral study. He gained experience working with children for five years in SOS Children’s Village/Hermann Gmeiner Schools and in the last eight years, he has been lecturing in both the Department of Early Childhood Education and The Department of Art and Design at Kyambogo University. He also has International experience lecturing in the Department of Early Childhood (BLU) at Oslo Metropolitan University. His Teaching disciplines are in Creative Arts, Graphics/Media Design, and Research Methods.  He has been involved in research in the areas of Teacher Education, Early Childhood Care and Education, and eco/Community design projects. He has experience in Early Childhood curriculum designing, Designing Instructional materials/activities for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCD), Monitoring and Evaluation of ECD programmes, ECD community mobilization, Developing of Assessment and Research tools. He does Career/Behavioral guidance and counseling for youth. He has also participated in consultancy work for the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC), LABE – Uganda, Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) and Kyambogo University in matters relating to Teacher Education and Early Childhood Education and Care.