Since 2000, Hannah Thompson has worked on child protection; sexual and gender-based violence; and safeguarding. She has provided support to programmes in fragile states, and lower-income, disaster-affected, and refugee-receiving countries. Her key skills include:
(i) Facilitating the development of standards and policies;
(ii) Writing best practice guides and tools;
(iii) Participatory research with children, communities and other stakeholders - including on highly sensitive issues; and
(iv) Staff and partner learning and development.
Recent examples of Hannah’s work on safeguarding include:
i) Developing and piloting a safe culture assessment tool for Plan International.
ii) Writing the FCDO/BOND Safeguarding Report Handling Toolkit.
iii) Supporting the community and staff level research for the Independent Commission on Sexual Misconduct, Accountability and Culture report for a more accountable Oxfam.
She works according to the principles of collaboration, participation, equity, and respect for diversity. Hannah has a Masters in Anthropology and Development from the London School of Economics. She is British and French. She is currently based in Maputo, Mozambique.