Dr. Fred Wabwire-Mangen was trained in Medicine at Makerere University, in Tropical Medicine at Liverpool University and in Immunology and Infectious Diseases and Infectious Disease Epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University where he obtained his PhD. Dr. Wabwire-Mangen has over 30 years of conducting research on endemic, emerging and reemerging diseases of public health importance in Uganda including malaria, STIs, HIV/AIDS, influenza and other emerging viral infections. He also has demonstrated experience as a senior research scientist in leading and managing multi-disciplinary research teams .He is currently the Executive Director, Regional Centre for Quality Assurance . Prof.Mangen also trains African professionals to design and manage programs that treat people with HIV or AIDS as well as education programs to prevent infection. He has initiated public health collaboratives among such institutions as Makerere University, Tulane University, and the Rockefeller Foundation .Besides, Prof. Mangen was a key figure in implementing public health without borders education strategy in Africa.