Firman Witoelar Kartaadipoetra



Firman Witoelar Kartaadipoetra, PhD is a Fellow at Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University. Previously, he was the Research Director of SurveyMeter, a research organization based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Witoelar’s research interest is in the area of development microeconomics, focusing on studying health behavior and outcomes, long term consequences of human capital formation, survey design and methodology, and project evaluations. In the past 10 years, Witoelar has been intimately involved with the development and implementation of the last two rounds of the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS4 and IFLS5) as one of the Co-Principal Investigators. The IFLS is a longitudinal multi-purpose publicly-available household survey, funded by the United States National Institute of Aging (NIA) and National Institute of Child Health and Development (NICHD). Covering a period of 21 years, IFLS is one of the highest quality panel data sets in the developing world, and one of the longest. His international fieldwork experience include providing technical advice in setting up longitudinal household surveys supported by the World Bank in Tanzania and Uganda. Recently, Witoelar led SurveyMeter in a partnership with the University of Indonesia’s Center on Child Protection and Well-being (PUSKAPA) and the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture to establish the groundwork for a longitudinal study on the experiences of Indonesian children and their families in order to understand the long-term effects of early childhood adversity.