Elizabeth Letourneau

United States


Elizabeth J. Letourneau, Ph.D. is a Professor, Department of Mental Health, and Director, Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH). She has focused her career on developing and evaluating child sexual abuse prevention policy and practice. As inaugural director of the Moore Center, Dr. Letourneau’s efforts include developing and evaluating child sexual abuse prevention interventions that target adolescents, parents, and youth serving organizations. She is also leading an evaluation of federal policy impacts on violence prevention, and a large-scale project to develop more effective methods for communicating about child sexual abuse as a preventable public health problem. Her work has been widely reported in high impact media, including This American Life, TEDMED, PBS News Hour, NPR’s On Point, Psychology Today, and The New Yorker.  Dr. Letourneau’s research findings establishing the inefficacy and harmfulness of juvenile sex offense registration policies was influential in three U.S. state supreme court cases and cited by several state legislatures in support of revising these policies. This policy work was recognized by JHSPH, which awarded Dr. Letourneau its inaugural Faculty Practice Award in 2017. Dr. Letourneau is a member of the National Academy of Sciences Forum on Global Violence Prevention, the National Coalition to Prevention Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation, the ITU UNESCO Broadband Commission Working Group on Child Safety Online. She previously served on the World Health Organization Guidelines Develop Group to Establish Clinical Guidelines for Responding to Sexual Abuse or Sexual Assault of Children and Adolescents.