Dr. Kunwar is the first child and adolescent psychiatrist of Nepal and champions on advocacy on promotion of mental health of children and adolescents in Nepal, including providing technical support to the Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP), Gov. of Nepal on the area. Dr. Kunwar helped establish the first and only Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit at Kanti Children's Hospital, where he is the team leader.
Dr. Kunwar has worked with UNHCR on preventing sexual abuse of children in refugee camps. He is the lead contributor to the child section of the “One Stop Crisis Center” training manual that has been adopted by the Gov. of Nepal and presently being rolled out throughout Nepal. He has extensively worked with schools/ community/ NGOs/ MOHP/Government of Nepal to develop and implement community based preventive and promotional MH programs for C&As. Few notable ones are following,
-Child and Adolescent Community Care Package (mhGAP for C&A) approved by MOHP
-Management of COVID related stress for C&A: direct reach to >100,000 C&As and care givers
-School Mental Health Packages for school nurses, currently being rolled out in 120 schools.
Dr Kunwar is the former President of Psychiatrists Association of Nepal. He has been the winner of The Swiss Foundation for World Health/World Health Organization, “Outstanding Achievement in the field of Mental Health Care” 2020.