Dr. Catherine Love, PhD, has conducted work that spans practice, policy and academic spheres. She is of New Zealand Maori (indigenous) descent, and has served as an elected member of her tribal governance entities for over twenty years. Formerly Director of Indigenous Research and Development at Victoria University of Wellington, Dr. Love moved from academia in 2005 to establish several innovative indigenous / endogenous economic and educational development initiatives. This included Ahikaa entrepreneurship education and the Ahikaa Accelerated Learning Centre. A long-time advocate for indigenous and endogenous supportive policies and practices, Dr. Love has taught and published internationally and has been a popular plenary speaker at social service, social policy, mental health and educational conferences. In 2012, she was identified as one of 130 “innovators and influencers” in the field of Systems of Child andFamily Protection and Wellbeing. In 2014, she was appointed to the SteeringCommittee of the Global Social Services Workforce Alliance. Dr Love’s work has consistently promoted a reduced emphasis on the imposition of western perspectives, philosophies and systems; and increased emphasis and resourcing of culturally cognisant, locally developed systems.