Fofana, Abraham A is an Assistant Professor in Political Science Department, University of Liberia, and has lectured for more than 15 years in various National and International Universities.
Fofana obtained a Certificate in Humanitarian Response and Post – Conflict reconstruction at Watson Institute, Brown University, USA. He also has an Advanced Diploma in Peace, Security and Human rights in Sweden and Cambodia. Fofana is a PhD candidate at the University of Science Malaysia in Political Science. He obtained a Master degree of Human Science in Political Science and Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration and B.A degree in Linguistics.
He is the head of PLG- Liberia and has served as a guest researcher at the Nordic Africa Institute Uppsala, Sweden, his research interests are Security, Ethnicity, International Organizations and Psychosocial counseling.
Fofana has served as a consultant for many organizations in Liberia including UNDP, ChildFund, Plan International, MML and German Agro Action. He has published many articles including, Transformation of OAU into AU: prospects and challenges and Muslim Women in the Global Society. Other writings include; Disarming and Building peace in Liberia: challenges and prospects. Psychosocial Programs Evaluation: Developing a Better Understanding of Effective Interventions to achieve the “Soft” Life-Stage Outcomes for Children and baseline “Assessment on Sexual Gender based violence in River Gee and Sinoe counties”